Our Team
Mariama Bangura
Youth Advocate
Jaiden Blancaflor
Youth Advocate
Marika Brown
Drop-In Center Manager
Ally Conlon
Volunteer & Partner Services Coordinator
Martin Conteh
Youth Advocate
Caitlin Cruickshank
Grants Manager
Doug Cuckler
Development & Engagement Coordinator
Montrail Curry
Facility Manager
Kimberly Dean
Administrative Assistant: Fulfillment & Resources
Margaret DeLaurentis
Clinical Therapist
Kat Earles
Vice President of Finance & Controller
Wendell Eblin
Warehouse Coordinator
Barb Ebright
Vice President of Operations & Programs
Kate Freeland
Engagement & Retention Coordinator, CSV
Gaby Escamilla
Youth Advocate
Jill Gorz
Clinical Services Manager
Maria Green
Youth Advocate
Beth Haas
Executive Assistant
Michelle Harvey
Youth Advocate
Briniya Herbert
Youth Advocate
Sara Hosni
Accounting Manager
Naima Ilmi
Housing & Engagement Manager
Alia Jama
Youth Advocate
Norma Jackson
Youth Advocate
Brittany Kriz
Administrative Assistant: Housing & Clinical
Dexter Komakaru
Youth Advocate
Diane Lewis
Drop-In Services Assistant Supervisor
Sydney Longbottom
Clinical Coach
Paul Luciano
Youth Advocate
Connor Macy
Training & Development Specialist
Jacques McCoy
Youth Advocate
Marshe Mitchell
Elizabeth Moody
Manager of Team Resources & Development
Hayley Morgan
Louis Morgan
Youth Advocate
Lakeesha Palmer
Youth Advocate
Valerie Parks
Youth Advocate
Shug Price
Drop-In Services Assistant Supervisor
Nikky Robinson
Outreach & Connections Coordinator
Antoine Ruffin
Accounting Coordinator / Youth Advocate
Blake Sawicki
Clinical Coach
Ben Sears
Vice President of Expansion
Candy Stanley
Sashae Summerall
Youth Advocate
Edward (Vic) Victor
Housing Coordinator, CSV
Janeá Walburg
Case Management Supervsior
Jonathan Walton
Drop-In Services Supervisor
Katie Weaver
Renea Williams
Vice President of Development
Youth Advocate
Our Board of Trustees *Effective March 1, 2025
Phil Baum, Past Chair
Grange Insurance (Retired)
Vice President, Chief Actuary
Stephanie Chester, Chair
Wells Fargo
Executive Director, Technology Risk & Control Governance
Natalie Furniss, Past Chair
Nationwide Insurance
Senior Vice President, Property and Casualty
Gunnar Gode, Vice Chair
NiSource Inc.
Chief Accounting Officer
Scott Koenigs
Executive Vice President, Chief People Officer
David Lloyd
Vice President - Finance
Chris Mitchell
Lane Robilotto, Treasurer
PwC Private
Tax Director
Jamie Sohosky
Bath & Body Works
Chief Marketing Officer
Helen Speiser
Third Street Digital
Deanna Springs, Secretary
Christine Swies
Huntington National Bank
Vice President Talent Management
Mary Lou Hittle, Founding Board Member*
Terry O'Connell, Board Member Emeritus*
Time Warner Cable (Retired)
Ann Bischoff, Ex-Officio Board Member*
Star House
Committee Members *Updated September 2024
Aja Bland
Bank of America
Kyle Brown
Midwest Physician Anesthesia Services
Patricia (Patti) Eshman
John F. Finn
Gardner, Inc.
Mary (Bebe) Finn
Kesha Garrett
Columbus Urban League
Robin Halley
ESC of Central Ohio
Ebony Holt
Lisa Kristensen
Columbus Metropolitan Library
Andrea Magaña Lewis
James Malone
John Mavrouleas
Huntington Bank
Kobe Osei
Mark Swanson
Stauf's Coffee Roasters
Ted Tinkler
Tinkler Consulting
Brian Zuercher
Our Founder
Natasha Slesnick, PhD
Natasha founded Star House in October 2006. She is committed to ending homelessness and its associated problems among one of the most vulnerable and underserved populations in our country (youth experiencing homelessness). She has been working with youth experiencing homelessness since 1998. After opening a drop-in center for youth experiencing homelessness in Albuquerque, NM, she moved to Columbus, OH and, because of a gap in services in Columbus, opened her second drop-in center.
Natasha is a professor of Human Development and Family Science in the Department of Human Sciences, and EHE Associate Dean for Research and Administration at The Ohio State University. Natasha is a licensed clinical psychologist and her research focuses on intervention development and evaluation with substance using youth experiencing homelessness and substance-using mothers and their children. She has consulted with multiple organizations on the best strategies for intervening in youth homelessness and adolescent substance use. She has been continuously funded by the NIH since 1998 and has written more than 100 peer-reviewed publications, book chapters and books.
*Terry O'Connell
Terry joined Time Warner Cable in May, 1982 as a sales and marketing executive. He spent almost 30 years with the company while serving on the executive management team for the last ten years. As Executive Vice President, Terry was responsible for the Mid West Region of TWC providing residential and commercial voice, video and data to over 3 million customers in OH, KY, WI and MO.
Terry has served as a board member for Recreation Unlimited for the last 20 years. In addition, he formed and served as the Chair of the Star House Advisory Board early in the formation of Star House. Terry was instrumental in funding the new 14,000 sq ft. Star House facility in 2015. After serving on the Governing Board for Star House for approximately 5 years, he currently serves the board in an ex officio capacity.
Terry was born in Rochester NY, but spent the majority of time growing up in Simsbury, a suburb of Hartford, CT. He earned his BA majoring in Theology & Philosophy with a business minor at Xavier University. He currently lives in Dublin, OH with Cindy, his wife of 45 years. They have two daughters living in Central Ohio. Molly resides in Clintonville. Meghan, her husband Mike Barnhart and their two daughters live in
Dublin. His son, Dan is living in Littleton, CO. with his wife Julie and their two sons.