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Not One More Night: 2025 Combined Campaign 

$10 Million Combined Campaign to Change Lives

We are meeting the unique needs of the young people accessing our services today, while ensuring that no one in need is turned away. However, with our community's rapid growth and the ongoing housing crisis, the demand for our services is rising at an unprecedented rate. To keep pace, we must expand our efforts to ensure that no young person is ever denied the support they need due to capacity limitations.


It begins with scaling our current operations and replicating our model on Columbus’ South Side. To fund critically needed expansion and to sustain operations, Star House has launched a $10 million campaign, which includes:

  • $7 million for the acquisition and renovation of a 26,000 square-feet property

  • $2 million for an infrastructure fund to support ongoing operations

  • $1 million for facility upkeep at current and future locations

$2.5M Match Challenge


One of the sponsors, Katie Wolfe of the Wolfe Associates Fund, said, "For more than a decade, my family has supported Star House and their mission to break the cycle of chronic homelessness for young people, because their model works. We're participating in this fundraising challenge, due to the urgent need for the expansion of their services into the South Side.”


To further encourage donations, the Walter Foundation, Wolfe Associates Fund, and an Anonymous Donor have initiated a $2.5 million match challenge, allowing future contributions from donors to be doubled.

Join Us in Making a Difference

2025 Combined Campaign 

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